The 13th Faery: Claiming the Power of the Outside

Wo: Seminarhaus Sternschnuppe, Dorfstraße 1, 25557 Oldenbüttel
Wann: Friday March 20 2015 from 18.00 – Sunday March 22 13.00
Residential workshop in Northern Germany
Sprache: Englisch
Thema:The 13th Faery: Claiming the Power of the Outside
Many Witches have grown up with a sense of being an ‘outsider’, a little too strange – and powerful – for the rest of the tribe. A deep sense of loneliness can be the result, weakening our belief in our magick and ourselves. Let’s reclaim our strength!
Let’s love our scary, strange powers. Let’s look into the Deep Below. Let’s practice radical self-love! Let’s take off the layers that have hidden our beautiful and frightening power. Let’s learn how to manage the fear of the Tribe – our fear of them, their fear of us.
The 13th Faery: Claiming the Power of the Outsider is a weekend intensive with a focus on meeting our shadow and making art! Every afternoon will include 90 minutes of juicy, healing, (fun) art-making/creativity in sacred space. This is time to make whatever you make – music, poetry, dance, song, cookies, journaling, painting, altar-making/offering, novels, socks, masks – around your own ‘outsider’ status, in honour of your own scary power! And if you’ve had a ‘special project’ that has needed some outrageous power, some permission, and some group magick to get it started – now is the time!
This is a mid-to-advanced level workshop in the Reclaiming Tradition – expect to chant, trance, and dance, to take part in rituals, to journal, to practice magickal skills, and strengthen community. It is recommended that you have taken the basic Reclaiming ‘Elements of Magic’ workshop before attending The 13th Faery.
Dates: Friday March 20 2015 from 18.00 – Sunday March 22 13.00
Residential workshop in Northern Germany
Language: English
Fee: €250 before 1 January 2015; €270 to €330 sliding scale thereafter. €100 deposit to hold space.
Contact: Cassandra@sternschnuppe-ol
This workshop is drug and alcohol free.