Priestess Council

12.10.2019 – 19.10.2019
We come to this magic of priestessing during these urgent times, ready for service. Fueling our desire for justice and healing in the world, we discover and practice the skills of building and nurturing magical community, especially when it gets challenging. We know that the wounds of the earth and its peoples cannot be healed quickly, that generations of people who have come before us have been working toward the world we wish to see and generations after us will continue to do so.
Together, we will create revolutionary art, dream into possibilities, make choices for the future, and sustain ourselves during this time of great transformation. We will delve into the ways we bring magic alive in our everyday lives and relationships. This is the work of activism that is rooted in sustainable community, our greatest treasure and often our greatest challenge. We tell the stories that build hope and call us all into new ways of being as we stand at this precipice of change.
What to expect:
We begin by making agreements, including commitments to offer compassionate feedback, cultivate empathy in our actions and language, and relentlessly support each other in our risk-taking and authenticity.
After we set the foundation, a typical day, set in a restorative model with lots of breaks, might look like this:
Personal practice; Affinitygroup sharing and planning, discussion and planning; Mentorship for ritual roles including things like music, trance, energy-raising; and more Evening ritual
We will work deeply together as part of a team, understanding the value of our individual strengths and the impact and necessity of our contributions to the whole. We will connect with the gods of the land – Frey and Freya.
Please help us meet your needs and wishes. We set up a survey, if you join our camp, please take it.
The tuition fee covers the whole week, including accommodatian in shared rooms and full board.
Regular fee: 650 – 750€.
Early bird discount: 577 €
Please transfer the fee as soon as possible so we can cover the first camp expenses – like flight-costs.
The early bird discount is valid until Beltane 2018
Because our camp spaces are limited, spaces will be allocated by order of payment.
Ask for the registration-form to find refund policy and bankdetails. Use contact-box below.