
Feri, Power, and Authority
“The blacker the body, the whiter the light.” —Victor Anderson
When aligned, the black heart shines with the light of divine authority. The Feri tradition is a rigorous path that demands we embody the light of our own sovereignty. Using Feri principles and tools we will discover the keys to unlocking the doors of our own divinity. We will draw down the moon of our own God souls to illumine our paths toward power. Through various exercises we will give instruction in building your own personal cone of power. Join us as we cultivate our power and share our authority with others toward a healthy and viable community.
Campdates: June 01.-05. 2016
Plus Initiates-day on May 31st.
Including Initiates-day May 30 by 6 PM – dinner.
Camp May 31 by 6 PM
Camp-fee: sliding scale 680 – 750 Euro early bird.
Accomodation and food on Initiates-day plus 50 Euro
Your registration is complete with the non refundable deposit of 200 Euro.
Please ask for the registration-form using the contact below.
Contact: Seminarhaus Sternschnuppe